Thu. Apr 18th, 2024

Free up some time for yourself and enjoy this 50 Minute Full Body Pilates class! This full body workout will not only work your entire body but will leave you …


By Ronnie

35 thoughts on “50 MIN FULL BODY WORKOUT || At-Home Pilates”
  1. Thank you so much for this great workout, your videos are great!
    P.S. My black and white cats Jane and Ella send greetings from Italy to your black and white cat 🙂

  2. Hi Nicole, love your workouts! Ik been doing them for a month already! I do have a question: is it okay to do this Pilates workout everyday or should I have a restday?

  3. Love love these classes! Now do them daily and feeling so much stronger. One question. I have bad posture. Would you be able to include more upper back exercises in one of your new classes?

  4. Thanks, this was great! I usually do more dynamic cardio-weights types of workouts and kick-boxing or biking, but I like to switch it up every once in a while so I don't get bored and to challenge my body with different activities. I feel great after doing this, very relaxed and stretched, much like I used to back when I did yoga from time to time. It was the perfect length for me, I love sets that are around 50 minutes! And it challenged me at times, which is a must for me. Please keep including upper body exercises as I often find those are lacking in YT routines. I will definitely be coming back to your pilates workouts!

  5. Finally a pilates class i actually enjoy!
    Love it whenever she said "just breath naturally"… reminded me to stop making weird faces while i'm gasping for air 😂

  6. Third day in a row I'm doing this workout I notice as form improves and so improves the engagement of my muscles. So I feel actually energized and strong, and not tired and exhausted. Thank you Nicole!

  7. waou! just did this one! from Paris 😉 don' t know why I haven' t done it earlier! very professional, soft voice and very clear; I love your mr Cat part 😉 (love cats) I will surely do more!

  8. It's the second time I did this class. Last time I couldn't finish the thigh stretch sequence, but today I did it!!! So happy. I love your channel. Thank you so much for sharing us these awesome videos.

  9. Back to this class again (I find myself coming back to it every 2 weeks on average) – and still as amazing, challenging and somehow relaxing (I don't know how you do it!). I introduced your classes to my mom who has completely fallen in love with your teaching style. She is now doing your workouts from Morocco and loving them! Thank you Nicole for keeping us in shape and giving us those long lean muscles! Sending you much love.

  10. We made a mistake and went to your old place, fortunately we found this class left behind. That was tough to do, Jan likes your longer classes, nice to meet your 🐱🐱🐱🐱

  11. I think this is the most challenging routine I have tried from your channel. You were really killin me with that ab work, Nicole 😂 I love it so much tho. Appreciate all you videos so much

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